Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

Samuel Barber - 100th Birthday

This is the Soundtrack of "Platoon"
This is from the Score of "The Elephant Man"
A piece from "Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie"
Music played at the funeral of Albert Einstein
On TV after September 11th
Music played in US Radio after Kennedy was shot

Hier mein Radiobeitrag zu Samuel Barber

Yesterday (ups) would have been Samuel Barbers 100th birthday. His style of composition was rather conservative, but he created a lot more great works than the adagio for strings. His classical music, with only a touch of modernity, is often very easy to listen to while not as shallow as a lot of e.g. classical film music. (Barbers music has been used in motion pictures only after his death with the exception of David Lynch's "The Elephant Man")

This is a very different idea of the adagio for strings - this peace works however you want it to.
(And by the way: now THAT's a DJ-Stand )

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