once made this and this and this and this. Wonderful.
Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010
Copyrights und Aphex' Twins
Leider weiss die taz nichts von Aphex Twin, so viel mal zu guter Recherche (oder finden sie "Aphex Twins" einfach schöner?). Das Interview mit Girl Talk ist trotzdem spannend in Bezug auf Copyrights und die Praxis des "Fair Use".
Spannendes zur deutschen Rechtslage für den Alltag gibt es hier:
Spannendes zur deutschen Rechtslage für den Alltag gibt es hier:
Regarding New Year's Resolutions (= Gute Vorsätze):
"You want a life that you cannot live, that's what keeps you competetive"
taken from Bright Eyes - "Happy Accident" lyrics re-issued on this album:
New Bright Eyes album to be released February 15th...
taken from Bright Eyes - "Happy Accident" lyrics re-issued on this album:
New Bright Eyes album to be released February 15th...
Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010
A Night Dedicated to Mississipi Records
Tonight @ The Establishment
a movie on Alan Lomax & DJs
JOE LE TAXI (the little dog laughed)
DIE MAART (you need friends not diskos)
WALD & WIESE (abendlandung)
a movie on Alan Lomax & DJs
JOE LE TAXI (the little dog laughed)
DIE MAART (you need friends not diskos)
WALD & WIESE (abendlandung)
Murcof, Oval Rechenzentrum @ Berlin tonight
I have a dream, that tonight audio and video will enjoy equal rights!
Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010
Jazz auf Farsi aus Berlin
Cyminology hat den Musikwettbewerb "Creole" für Berlin-Brandenburg und Meckpomm gewonnen. Jazz auf Farsi oft getragen und melodisch. Genau das richtige für das ECM-Label, auf dem die dritte CD der Band 2009 erschienen ist.
Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010
berlin: Friday - Hudson Mohawke , Rustie, Untold et. al. @ Berghain
While the subtle dubstep of Untold can be called "wonkified" already, this will only be the warm up to a night of "Wonky", the style of playfullly spaced out dubstep. If you wonder what it is all about, try out the online computer game "Butter star galactica" of hudson mohawke to get a visual and audible idea. Every level mastered enables a music download.

Hudson Mohawke and Rustie are Glasgow's freshest - Wonky-Wobbel-Glitch-Poppers par excellence. Hot buttered beats, overloaded with colour and lust. Alongside you can enjoy the bleep electronica of redinho (numbers) or NED and Jackmaster.
Second Floor Panorama Bar: Thomas Fehlmann LIVE
Fr 10.12.2010 | 23:59 CET
untold at facebook
Hudson Mohawke and Rustie are Glasgow's freshest - Wonky-Wobbel-Glitch-Poppers par excellence. Hot buttered beats, overloaded with colour and lust. Alongside you can enjoy the bleep electronica of redinho (numbers) or NED and Jackmaster.
Second Floor Panorama Bar: Thomas Fehlmann LIVE
Fr 10.12.2010 | 23:59 CET
untold at facebook
Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010
berlin: Heute Morgen Übermorgen
Folk & Anti-Folk
Stanley Brinks a.k.a. Andre Herman Düne
@ Roter Salon
Bobby Baby, Winter Took his Life, The Preacher & The Bear
@ Ä (Neukölln)
Bobby Baby, Winter Took his Life, The Preacher & The Bear
@ Schokoladen (Mitte)
Stanley Brinks a.k.a. Andre Herman Düne
@ Roter Salon
Bobby Baby, Winter Took his Life, The Preacher & The Bear
@ Ä (Neukölln)
Bobby Baby, Winter Took his Life, The Preacher & The Bear
@ Schokoladen (Mitte)
Kontra-Musik & Oni Ayhun
Oni Ayhun creates intimate works of drum sound - as in this Oni Ayhun remix of Jason Fine for Kontra-Musik, a swedish label, agency and shop which grasps techno as a serious sound art.
On his own label Oni Ayhun's tracks feature an even more free-floating drum evolution - sometimes piled up to a techno hymn.
On his own label Oni Ayhun's tracks feature an even more free-floating drum evolution - sometimes piled up to a techno hymn.
Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010
Gestern Heute Morgen
Der Weltmusikwettbewerb Creole für Berlin, Brandenburg und Meck-Pomm
in Berlin, Werkstatt der Kulturen.
in Berlin, Werkstatt der Kulturen.
Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010
Worldtronics 2010 - noch drei Tage Dach
After a well attended start and a typical sophomore slump the Worldtronics festival found it's motto „Electronica Surprise“ only at the third edition last year. This December it is time for round four of electronic music from beyond western europe and north america: Worldtronics neglects presenting either puristic art electronica or straightforward clubbing and thereby surprising just about everybody. On four nights Worldtronics features Nairobi (already yesterday), Barcelona (i.e. the „Rumba Catalan“), Russia and Mexico. Two movies and the family atmosphere workshop happening, the „Elektro-Fachmarkt“ complete the programme.
This years focus clearly is set on dance styles. For the opening this wednesday, Berlin-based Jahcoozi, Gebrüder Teichmann and Modeselektor introduce their Nairobi project BLNRB-NRBLN. The urban dance music artists work together with Kenyan capital's rap scene, e.g. Uuko Flani and Necessary Noize. As the surprising element, the „Radi“ percussion group and Michel O'ngaro blended into the programme. Tonight comes warm and easy, reviving gitano-cuban „Rumba catalan“ - a hybrid of hybrids, namely iberian gypsy and caribbean music. The only surprising project will probably be technoidous Asférico meets the latin groove of Reparto Caribe.
What in Western Europe often is reduced to „party music“ does play a whole different role in more restricted countries as Russia is one. Together with russian VJ-artists a highlight of the Festival will be the appearance of Pixelord on russian friday: Glitchy 8-bit sound that nevertheless bears rudiments of songwriting and the folokoric-electonic bricolages of Pixelords alias Gultskra Artikler. The russian evening is curated by Natasha Padabed of SKIF-Festival. The reader may compare her selection with a Felix Kubin radio featrue on „Eastern Electronics“ for MACBA radio. (see below)
The best festival atmosphere will certainly come up on Saturday, with biting next level beats from Mexico, selected by Matias Aguayo. 3Ball MTY are rebellious in consequence, Arturo Heras presents, what he usually does as an urban dance streetcorner roadshow. At the „Elektro-Fachmarkt“ on saturday afternoon, visitors can participate in sound production workshops, meet up with Berlin's labels of global electronics and let themselves be „zig-zagged“ by DIEM (danish conservatory of electronic sound) or gigs of DeWalta (Karaoke Kalk, Super!) and DJ Markus Detmer (Staubgold, Super too!).
Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2010
It is Christmas Time...
...so we are surrounded by glittering and jingling sounds as well as emphatic songs about godly love anyway. Why not embrace the facts and listen to a subtle version of the heavenly strings and trumpets tonight.
In Hamburg, where Ensemble Resonanz will play Telemann and Bryars for homeless people. Or everywhere with Bryars and Tom Waits. (Extracts. The full versions are 25 and 70 minutes!)
In Hamburg, where Ensemble Resonanz will play Telemann and Bryars for homeless people. Or everywhere with Bryars and Tom Waits. (Extracts. The full versions are 25 and 70 minutes!)
Dienstag, 30. November 2010
"Adventure" is the term, modern sound artists and there protegés prefer to "avantgarde". First of all: the WIRE magazine from London ("adventures in modern music"). "Adventure" has other connotations than "Avantgarde", which today does not sound as inviting as it used to anymore. I guess what the big WIRE, or smaller projects as Digital in Berlin or musicadventure.org or this headline mean to say is, that the approach to spheres of music which a given listener does not know should be less elitarian. Try and google "adventure music" and "avantgarde music"! Adventure wins 189,000,000 to 5,000,000 (different spellings included).
But nevertheless adventurous music can be hard to grasp for the non-connosseur, it will take all his or her courage to let himself or herself fall into the new sonic worlds. He or she won't be saved from poisonous cliché-aesthetics, nor from the stings of macho-virtuosos and hypocrite esoterics. The reward will be encounters like the following though:Zavoloka
Murcof (in Berlin this december)
Bobby Conn (whose concert I venerably missed the other day)
Bernard Parmegiani
or the new movie about an elder sound adventurer - Raymond Scott
To name, of course, less than a few. Just a very personal and spontaneous and -well - adventurous selection...
Donnerstag, 25. November 2010
EASTERN ELECTRONICS - A web feature of Felix Kubin for MACBA:
A great radio feature. A very honest documentary whose high sound quality makes the trip to estonia almost haptic. I look forward to the next episode!
Broia on Reuber
I have told you of this convincing Staubgold release already. Read my Reuber feature @ digitalinberlin.de
music for you
Gepflegt abfeiern mit Kele (heute im Astra in Berlin)
Gepflegte Jazzakrobatik von Hildegard lernt Fliegen
Gepflegter viktorianischer Rap von Professor Elemental inklusive kleiner Tee-Lehre:
When I say "Earl Grey" you say "Yes, please!"
When I say "Oooo" you say "...long!"
When I say "Herbal" you say "No, Thanks!"
(see also Mister B the getleman Rhymer and Professor Elementals reply)
And a coffee-song, to be fair.
Gepflegte Jazzakrobatik von Hildegard lernt Fliegen
Gepflegter viktorianischer Rap von Professor Elemental inklusive kleiner Tee-Lehre:
When I say "Earl Grey" you say "Yes, please!"
When I say "Oooo" you say "...long!"
When I say "Herbal" you say "No, Thanks!"
(see also Mister B the getleman Rhymer and Professor Elementals reply)
And a coffee-song, to be fair.
Wrestling in music - Adrian Street
well, today's musical capacities of wrestling seem to be concised to a kind of one-syllable-rap style.
Check out Adrian Street, his story and some wonderful photography.
Foto: Dennis Hutchinson
It has not always been like this - wrestling used to be a fine piece of art and a musical and fashion influence on e.g. David Bowie.Check out Adrian Street, his story and some wonderful photography.
Dienstag, 23. November 2010
Stilvoll verpasst - Die Gorillaz waren in Berlin
Der Kultur-Großstädter von heute muss vor allem eine Kulturtechnik beherrschen: Das stilvolle Verpassen.
"Sich-nichts-daraus-machen" ist keine stilvolle Option. Wer etwas auf sich hält, der wäre bei all den spannenden Erlebnissen "eigentlich gern dabei". Von wenig Stil und Moral zeugt es allerdings auch, sich dem großstädtischen Ereignismarathon hinzugeben und tatsächlich jeden Tag mehrere Konzerte und Happenings zu besuchen. Nicht nur trocknet man selbst bei diesem Kulturwahn psychisch wie physisch aus. Man macht sich vor allem auch schuldig, Andere mit sich in den wahnwitzigen Strudel der Erlebnis-Scheinriesen zu reissen.
Stattdessen gilt es - wie so oft - den goldenen Schnitt zu finden. Anfänger-Verpassern sehe man nach, wenn sie sich mit Sätzen wie "Da müsste man eigentlich auch hin", "Ja, ich weiß, unbedingt!", "Man kann nicht alles haben" und "Ich muss in der nöchsten Zeit echt mal wieder zu mehr Konzerten gehen" gegenseitig das kulturelle Fasten erleichtern.
Doch hier ist Vorsichtig geboten! Gegenargumente wie "Das Velodrom ist eine schreckliche Location" und "die Gorillaz sind auch ganz schön kommerziell" sind in erster Linie trotzig, so wahr sie auch sein mögen. Und wer es "leider nicht geschafft hat", verrät vor allem falsche Prioritäten, insbesondere wenn er oder sie keine Kinder hat. Auch der hohe Preis ist ein billige Ausrede - und ein stilloser Vorwurf an alle, die die 60 Euro übrig hatten.
Nein, der stilvolle Kulturgroßstädter verpasst mit Empathie: Er hört sich gerne die Jubelarien seiner Bekannten an, die natürlich dort waren, und vermittelt dann als Botschaft in etwa: "Dieses Konzert muss ja echt ein Spektakel gewesen sein. Ich freue mich für Euch, dass ihr dabei wart." Das darf natürlich nicht gönnerhaft oder schematisch klingen. Schwierig, zugegeben. Wem das gelingt, der aber kann ins Nirvana des bewusst wunschlosen Kultur-Verpassers aufsteigen und der wird merken: reines und gutes Verpassen ist ein wahrlich vollwertiger Ersatz für das primitive und lüsterne Gorilla-Gehabe der Hingeher, (denen die Stecknadeln, mit denen sie die Eintritts-Karten an der Zimmerwand über ihrem Bett aufgehängt haben, nachts in Augen und Ohren fahren mögen, den Arschlöchern!)
A propos: Das Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, eine von zahlreichen von den Gorillaz auf die Bühne gezerrten Gast-Bands, ist übrigens auch ganz für sich ein wenig Zeit Wert! Frisch, gekonnt... und einfach stilvoll.
"Sich-nichts-daraus-machen" ist keine stilvolle Option. Wer etwas auf sich hält, der wäre bei all den spannenden Erlebnissen "eigentlich gern dabei". Von wenig Stil und Moral zeugt es allerdings auch, sich dem großstädtischen Ereignismarathon hinzugeben und tatsächlich jeden Tag mehrere Konzerte und Happenings zu besuchen. Nicht nur trocknet man selbst bei diesem Kulturwahn psychisch wie physisch aus. Man macht sich vor allem auch schuldig, Andere mit sich in den wahnwitzigen Strudel der Erlebnis-Scheinriesen zu reissen.
Stattdessen gilt es - wie so oft - den goldenen Schnitt zu finden. Anfänger-Verpassern sehe man nach, wenn sie sich mit Sätzen wie "Da müsste man eigentlich auch hin", "Ja, ich weiß, unbedingt!", "Man kann nicht alles haben" und "Ich muss in der nöchsten Zeit echt mal wieder zu mehr Konzerten gehen" gegenseitig das kulturelle Fasten erleichtern.
Doch hier ist Vorsichtig geboten! Gegenargumente wie "Das Velodrom ist eine schreckliche Location" und "die Gorillaz sind auch ganz schön kommerziell" sind in erster Linie trotzig, so wahr sie auch sein mögen. Und wer es "leider nicht geschafft hat", verrät vor allem falsche Prioritäten, insbesondere wenn er oder sie keine Kinder hat. Auch der hohe Preis ist ein billige Ausrede - und ein stilloser Vorwurf an alle, die die 60 Euro übrig hatten.
Nein, der stilvolle Kulturgroßstädter verpasst mit Empathie: Er hört sich gerne die Jubelarien seiner Bekannten an, die natürlich dort waren, und vermittelt dann als Botschaft in etwa: "Dieses Konzert muss ja echt ein Spektakel gewesen sein. Ich freue mich für Euch, dass ihr dabei wart." Das darf natürlich nicht gönnerhaft oder schematisch klingen. Schwierig, zugegeben. Wem das gelingt, der aber kann ins Nirvana des bewusst wunschlosen Kultur-Verpassers aufsteigen und der wird merken: reines und gutes Verpassen ist ein wahrlich vollwertiger Ersatz für das primitive und lüsterne Gorilla-Gehabe der Hingeher, (denen die Stecknadeln, mit denen sie die Eintritts-Karten an der Zimmerwand über ihrem Bett aufgehängt haben, nachts in Augen und Ohren fahren mögen, den Arschlöchern!)
A propos: Das Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, eine von zahlreichen von den Gorillaz auf die Bühne gezerrten Gast-Bands, ist übrigens auch ganz für sich ein wenig Zeit Wert! Frisch, gekonnt... und einfach stilvoll.
Um Jahrzehnte verpasst...
Beat Musik im deutschen Fernsehen war früher noch skandalös. Die Titelmusik ist in voller Länge heute nur noch irgendwie nett. Lohnt sich dennoch, finde ich.
Dienstag, 16. November 2010
Staubgold-Nacht in Berlin - 20 Uhr im Berghain
Der Elektroakustische Salon im Berghain. Diesen Donnerstag mit Klangwart, David Cunningham und Reuber, der sein großartiges neues Album "Ring" vorstellt.
City Slang wird 20 in Berlin
Das Label City Slang feiert dieses Wochenende eine ziemlich beeindruckende Geburtstagsparty. Aber teuer!
Yo La Tengo, Calexico, Tortoise, Lambchop, Notwist etc.
Dazu ein Interview mit Labelchef Christof Ellinghaus in der taz.
Revolution of Evolution
Hier ein Radio-Beitrag zum berühmten Monkey Trial von Tennessee, in dem auch ein feiner Song vorkommt.
Und hier der gleiche Song in voller Länge im Netz.
Und hier der gleiche Song in voller Länge im Netz.
Freitag, 5. November 2010
Top 100 Rhythms
The Institute for Contemorery Arts, London, and The Wire list their Top 100 Rhythms of all time.
Tremor - concert, stream and download (& DJ Krust on saturday)
Tremor are worth some of your time - an amazing trio from Buenos Aires, who mixes south american folklore and techoidous beats in creative constantly changing way. No shallow beats but fantastic labytinthums of sounds and rhythms. Enjoy the live stream of a radio piece I did on them around 3 pm today on Funkhaus Europa. Download their mixtape here (vol 5). And check out the winners of their remix-contest.
Friday: Tremor @Brunnen70 in Berlin
Saturday: If you enjoy drum'n'bass - DJ Krust is in Berlin.
Friday: Tremor @Brunnen70 in Berlin
Saturday: If you enjoy drum'n'bass - DJ Krust is in Berlin.
Mittwoch, 3. November 2010
Womex 2010 - best of the second half
Still not completely recovered from the wonderful festival in copenhagen I finally find the time to tell you what I found the most interesting in the second half of the festival:
Matthias Loibner - an Austrian playing folkloric tunes plus his own improvisations "before after and in the middle of the tune". His instrument is the hurdy gurdy (Drehleier), which he loops in real time and thereby creates a tremendous wall of sound. (He will soon perform Schuberts Winterreise on his stunning instrument in Berlin at Radialsystem)
Danyel Warò - Not only speaks, shouts and sings Danyel Waroin a special creole from his home island La Reunion. Even there his singing is often hard to understand, since he developed his own language alongside his amazing impressionistic traditionals. His Maloya sounds similar to brazilian Coco, but has more variations. He won the WOMEX award this year.
Nathalie Natiembé - She is quite a character and a very nice person! Other than Danyel Waro she and her serveral band projects found a modern approach to maloya, including expressive rock passages and glamourous poetics.
Desert Slide - Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, a student of Ravi Shankar with his indian slide guitar and an amazing Ensemble. Watch an extract of their breathtaking show here.
Oudaden - hypnotic moroccan Berber-music
Sagapool are said to be nice. NuJazz and Chanson influenced.
Dobet Gnahoré - her multilingual West-African Alternative Pop (Nfletoun is the hit) beat the Central African one of famous fashion victim Papa Wemba if you ask me...
Karina Buhr - Promising theatrical alternative from Recife (northern Brazil). Check out her new album!
Other nice acts, that I do not want to leave out: OMFO; Baba Zula (feat. the turkish Frank Zappa); Phonix; Bomba Estereo; Kobo Town and Tremor
Matthias Loibner - an Austrian playing folkloric tunes plus his own improvisations "before after and in the middle of the tune". His instrument is the hurdy gurdy (Drehleier), which he loops in real time and thereby creates a tremendous wall of sound. (He will soon perform Schuberts Winterreise on his stunning instrument in Berlin at Radialsystem)
Danyel Warò - Not only speaks, shouts and sings Danyel Waroin a special creole from his home island La Reunion. Even there his singing is often hard to understand, since he developed his own language alongside his amazing impressionistic traditionals. His Maloya sounds similar to brazilian Coco, but has more variations. He won the WOMEX award this year.
Nathalie Natiembé - She is quite a character and a very nice person! Other than Danyel Waro she and her serveral band projects found a modern approach to maloya, including expressive rock passages and glamourous poetics.
Desert Slide - Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, a student of Ravi Shankar with his indian slide guitar and an amazing Ensemble. Watch an extract of their breathtaking show here.
Oudaden - hypnotic moroccan Berber-music
Sagapool are said to be nice. NuJazz and Chanson influenced.
Dobet Gnahoré - her multilingual West-African Alternative Pop (Nfletoun is the hit) beat the Central African one of famous fashion victim Papa Wemba if you ask me...
Karina Buhr - Promising theatrical alternative from Recife (northern Brazil). Check out her new album!
Other nice acts, that I do not want to leave out: OMFO; Baba Zula (feat. the turkish Frank Zappa); Phonix; Bomba Estereo; Kobo Town and Tremor
Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010
Womex 2010 first half - new hints in global music
Hey Everybody,
here is a selection of amazing music - fresh from this years World Music Expo WOMEX, currently held in Copenhagen.
Compassionate Yemenite Songs with a great energy that slowly builds up: Yemen Blues
Another very great act was Damily from Madagascar, whose music style is an imitation of fast-moving feet kicking up the dust.
Yom claims to be the new king of Klezmer. At least he his very good and not to much a sportive viruoso but with respect for the tradition and art of Klezmer.
Antonio Zambujo, A modernist of Fado in the sense of emotional honesty. He is emphatic to every phrase he is playing and singing and his band adds a little bit of coll jazz. Wonderful!
Not emotional at all, but a real kicker are LaBrassBanda, who had an amazig success the last two years and are now up for 6 months of break. They rocked WOMEX anyway.
As for the Opening on Wednesday I have only second hand information. Check out Be Being.
Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010
Wanna have Band?
Some have band.... (I find it remarkable how the video is body focussed without being oversexxxxed)
...and some others have band, too.
Concert dates for the first ones:
Uebel und Gefaehrlich Hamburg
Atomic Cafe Munich
Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin
Das Bett Frankfurt
Heimat Regensburg
...and some others have band, too.
Concert dates for the first ones:
27. Oct 2010 | 20:00 |
28. Oct 2010 | 20:00 |
29. Oct 2010 | 19:30 |
30. Oct 2010 | 20:00 |
31. Oct 2010 | 20:00 |
Of Montreal starts Remix Contest
If you are into music making: Show them what you can do...
Yo! WE'RE THROWING A REMIX CONTEST! Click the link below to
Yo! WE'RE THROWING A REMIX CONTEST! Click the link below to
download the stems for "Famine Affair" so you can make your own remix. The
winner will be picked by popular vote and
receive $500 + our entire discography! Deadline
to enter is 11/19/10.
Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010
Henri le Chat
Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010
free download - Polyvinyl sampler
Montag, 18. Oktober 2010
31. Oktober in Berlin: Mulatu Astatke & The Heliocentrics
The most famous exponent of Ethio Jazz is coming to Volksbühne. He is widely known for his contributions to the soundtrack of "Broken Flowers". This is but a little piece in the universe of Ethio Jazz and Ethio Funk, nowadays easily available through the "Ethiopiques" series.
The gentle melodies of guitar or woodwinds is stunning. It seems, ethiopian musicians share even more affection for their instruments than other great musicians.
He is accompanied by The Heliocentrics, who are specialised in such cooperations.
The gentle melodies of guitar or woodwinds is stunning. It seems, ethiopian musicians share even more affection for their instruments than other great musicians.
He is accompanied by The Heliocentrics, who are specialised in such cooperations.
Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010
Leonard Bernsteins Vermächtnis
So bürgerlich-amerikanisch wie dieses Foto, aber doch sehr gut: Leonard Bernstein's Young Peoples Concerts. Der Dirigent erklärt dem jungen Amerika die Musikwelt des alten Europa, hier Gustav Mahler, der erst durch Bernstein wieder auf die Spielpläne der Welt kam.
Hier ein Radiostück über sein Lebenswerk. Anlass ist sein Tod vor genau 20 Jahren.
Die Young People's Concerts sind auch auf DVD erschienen, sehr empfehlenswert.
Hier ein Radiostück über sein Lebenswerk. Anlass ist sein Tod vor genau 20 Jahren.
Die Young People's Concerts sind auch auf DVD erschienen, sehr empfehlenswert.
Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010
Madlib muss absagen!
Leider werden wir heute doch nicht erfahren, ob Madlib eine Once in a Lifetime-Experience ist!!!
13.10.10 ACHTUNG: das Konzert wurde aus Krankheitsgründen ABGESAGT!
13.10.10 ACHTUNG: das Konzert wurde aus Krankheitsgründen ABGESAGT!
Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010
Solomon Burke R.I.P.
Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee
Madlib's Medicine Show No 7 High Jazz - eins von zwölf Alben, Madlibs Rundumschlag!
Madvillain using Manfred Krug
Gilles Peterson with DJ Shadow (Download)
Passion Pit
ten million to stop Weezer
Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee
Madlib's Medicine Show No 7 High Jazz - eins von zwölf Alben, Madlibs Rundumschlag!
Madvillain using Manfred Krug
Gilles Peterson with DJ Shadow (Download)
Passion Pit
ten million to stop Weezer
Montag, 11. Oktober 2010
Madlib in Berlin
Der ideale Hip-Hop-DJ und Produzent, so stellt er sich sein Leben vor. Am Mittwoch könnten wir sehen, was er 2010 noch drauf hat. Leider zu einem unverschämten Preis von über 30 Euro!
Mit dabei im Festsaal Kreuzberg:
Embryo Live ft Bajka & Mullrich from Dissidenten. Plus J. Rocc & support from The Smells
Mit dabei im Festsaal Kreuzberg:
Embryo Live ft Bajka & Mullrich from Dissidenten. Plus J. Rocc & support from The Smells
Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010
stream: Belle And Sebastian - Antony and the Johnsons und und und
NPR First listen, derzeit mit den neuen Alben von Sufjan Stevens (s.u.) Antony and the Johnsons und Belle and Sebastian.
Donnerstag, 30. September 2010
Mittwoch, 29. September 2010
Sehnsüchte, Witz und Ernst
An der Musik, die wir gerne hören, können wir ablesen, welche Sehnsüchte wir gerade hegen. Das gilt auch für größere Gruppen: Junger Folk bzw. Anti-Folk hat schon seit vielen Jahren Konjunktur unter den "Mittelalternativlingen". Jeffrey Lewis, Coco Rosie, Herman Dune - meist waren es Low-Fi-Bekenntnisse der schrägen und gewitzten Art. Adam Green ist nur die poppige Spitze eines ganzen Eisberges. An ihm und seiner Entwicklung nach den Moldy Peaches (die ich noch ziemlich großartig fand) sieht man aber: Anti-Folk wird schnell auch zu schräg und zu witzig. Dann hamwa gelacht und sind anders gewesen als die Dummen.
Mittlerweile nun sehnen wir Mittelalternativlinge uns mit Bon Iver und Antony (Yey! neues Album) und Mumford & Sons usw. wieder nach mehr tiefer Empfindung und Ernst. Aber auch ernsthafte Musik schießt schnell übers Ziel hinaus. Soooooo tief empfundene Songs drücken dann vielleicht extreme Gefühle aus und funktionieren noch für diejenigen unter uns mit schwierigen Biografien. Letztendlich ist aber solche Musik einfach nur zu etwas Gekünsteltem, Schablonenhaften verkommen. Wir blasen unsere Hoffnungen in diese überkandidelte Musik und kommen damit nirgendwo an. Und das ist ja genau was wir nicht wollten. Und um also für die wirklich gehaltvollen Vertreter zu werben, möchte ich noch mal Timber Timbre empfehlen (siehe unten). Das Album geht sehr tief und wirkt auch nach mehrmaligem Hören nicht platt. Und die Gewitzten sollten wir auch nicht ganz vergessen, manchmal gelingt es Ihnen ja gleichzeitig schräg und ernst zu sein. Ob es so lange trägt wie das neue Album von Timber Timbre weiss ich nicht, aber versuchen wir doch mal das neue Album von Sufjan Stevens auf NPR First Listen (Danke für den Hinweis, Fabienne Fabuloose!). Auf das Taylor Kirk von Timber TImbre und Sufjan Stevens unsere Sehnsüchte irgendwohin mitnehmen, wo es schön ist.
Mittlerweile nun sehnen wir Mittelalternativlinge uns mit Bon Iver und Antony (Yey! neues Album) und Mumford & Sons usw. wieder nach mehr tiefer Empfindung und Ernst. Aber auch ernsthafte Musik schießt schnell übers Ziel hinaus. Soooooo tief empfundene Songs drücken dann vielleicht extreme Gefühle aus und funktionieren noch für diejenigen unter uns mit schwierigen Biografien. Letztendlich ist aber solche Musik einfach nur zu etwas Gekünsteltem, Schablonenhaften verkommen. Wir blasen unsere Hoffnungen in diese überkandidelte Musik und kommen damit nirgendwo an. Und das ist ja genau was wir nicht wollten. Und um also für die wirklich gehaltvollen Vertreter zu werben, möchte ich noch mal Timber Timbre empfehlen (siehe unten). Das Album geht sehr tief und wirkt auch nach mehrmaligem Hören nicht platt. Und die Gewitzten sollten wir auch nicht ganz vergessen, manchmal gelingt es Ihnen ja gleichzeitig schräg und ernst zu sein. Ob es so lange trägt wie das neue Album von Timber Timbre weiss ich nicht, aber versuchen wir doch mal das neue Album von Sufjan Stevens auf NPR First Listen (Danke für den Hinweis, Fabienne Fabuloose!). Auf das Taylor Kirk von Timber TImbre und Sufjan Stevens unsere Sehnsüchte irgendwohin mitnehmen, wo es schön ist.
Dienstag, 28. September 2010
Kelley Polar
Keinen Bock auf Witz, Ernst oder sonstige Gefühlsduselei? Eher Mitte-Alternativ statt Mittelalternativ?
Dann hör mal ins neue Kelley Polar-Album rein. Trockene Beats kriegen Streicher und Disco-Wave übergeworfen ohne billig auszusehen.
Geil ist auch "Pearson and Usher's Second Law Dynamix" von Kelley Polars "Entropy Reigns"
Dann hör mal ins neue Kelley Polar-Album rein. Trockene Beats kriegen Streicher und Disco-Wave übergeworfen ohne billig auszusehen.
Geil ist auch "Pearson and Usher's Second Law Dynamix" von Kelley Polars "Entropy Reigns"
Of Montreal auf Tour! Berlin, 10. Oktober
Of Montreal promote their new album "false priest" in Berlin's Admiralspalast. I am truly hoping this will be a great concert experience. E.g. like this.
As for the album, my first impression is not as shivering fantastically not-taking-breath-yabbadabbadoo as it was with the last album "Skeletal Lamping", about which you can read here.
As for the album, my first impression is not as shivering fantastically not-taking-breath-yabbadabbadoo as it was with the last album "Skeletal Lamping", about which you can read here.
Dienstag, 14. September 2010
Timber Timbre - Lieblingsband of the day
touring Europe
This music is very far away and at the same time very close. Timber Timbre's Taylor Kirk features a slowed down, almost otherworldly version of rock'n'roll or country singing styles. His voice being not as far out as the one of Jeff Buckley or even Antony, Taylor Kirk seems to come from some place dark but he has not lost his mind. In accord with that the music is a great blend of country ("Magic Arrow") or blues ("There Is a Cure") and something I would like to call vampire surf (listen to instrumentals by The Ventures and Messer Chups who will tour germany this october). Taylor Kirk apparently calls the music of his second album "Gothic Rockabilly Blues", see laut.de (german).
Berlin - September 18th
Hamburg - September 24th
This music is very far away and at the same time very close. Timber Timbre's Taylor Kirk features a slowed down, almost otherworldly version of rock'n'roll or country singing styles. His voice being not as far out as the one of Jeff Buckley or even Antony, Taylor Kirk seems to come from some place dark but he has not lost his mind. In accord with that the music is a great blend of country ("Magic Arrow") or blues ("There Is a Cure") and something I would like to call vampire surf (listen to instrumentals by The Ventures and Messer Chups who will tour germany this october). Taylor Kirk apparently calls the music of his second album "Gothic Rockabilly Blues", see laut.de (german).
Berlin - September 18th
Hamburg - September 24th
Dienstag, 7. September 2010
berlin: Heute - Matthew Herbert recomposes Gustav Mahler
Matthew Herbert hat schon viele handgemachte Musiken, Materialien und politische Gedanken großartig mit elektronischer Tanzmusik verbunden.
Nun hat er sich in der "Re:Composed"-Reihe der Deutschen Grammophon an Mahlers zehnter Sinfonie versucht. Eine CD die zwar weniger gehyped wurde als Carl Craig und Moritz von Oswalds Bearbeitung von Ravel, aber mehr verspricht.
Heute ist Herbert live im Admiralspalast zusammen mit dem Konzerthausorchester. Geht hin!
Nun hat er sich in der "Re:Composed"-Reihe der Deutschen Grammophon an Mahlers zehnter Sinfonie versucht. Eine CD die zwar weniger gehyped wurde als Carl Craig und Moritz von Oswalds Bearbeitung von Ravel, aber mehr verspricht.
Heute ist Herbert live im Admiralspalast zusammen mit dem Konzerthausorchester. Geht hin!
Montag, 30. August 2010
Next Concert of Pianosalon Christophori...
... this thursday in Berlin, Zellestr. 12, 8:30 pm. Two pianists playing tango (Piazolla & others) and Debussy. What is Pianosalon Christophori? See below!
berlin: End of this week - Jacques Palminger meets Cote d'Ivoire
Since 1960 you have to say "Cote d'Ivoire", the west african state officially dislikes translations as Ivory Coast or Elfenbeinküste since it became independent just 50 Years ago. Here you will find a small radio piece (german) on the events around the ivorien declaration of independence.
Abidjan is the capital of the Cote d'Ivoire (even if president Felix Houphouet-Boigny officially declared his small home village capital, where he had had built a 2nd St. Peter's Basilica and huge highways which remained completely empty ever since). The main road for nightlife in Abidjan is the Rue Princesse, home of Ivorien urban music styles as "Zouglou" and "Coupé Décalé" ("cut & rearrange")
Therefore Rue princesse is also the name of a German-Ivorien-Festival, that starts this thursday with movies, theater, performance, fashion shows etc. And of course with concerts featuring Chicks on Speed, Shaggy Sharoof, Erobique and Gadoukou le Star with promising programme titles as "Weißenscheiß" and "Gruß an die Weltbank" ("Eloge to World Bank", "Shit of Whites"), Hamburgs enfant terrible Jacques Palminger almost certainly holds responsible for.
Abidjan is the capital of the Cote d'Ivoire (even if president Felix Houphouet-Boigny officially declared his small home village capital, where he had had built a 2nd St. Peter's Basilica and huge highways which remained completely empty ever since). The main road for nightlife in Abidjan is the Rue Princesse, home of Ivorien urban music styles as "Zouglou" and "Coupé Décalé" ("cut & rearrange")
Therefore Rue princesse is also the name of a German-Ivorien-Festival, that starts this thursday with movies, theater, performance, fashion shows etc. And of course with concerts featuring Chicks on Speed, Shaggy Sharoof, Erobique and Gadoukou le Star with promising programme titles as "Weißenscheiß" and "Gruß an die Weltbank" ("Eloge to World Bank", "Shit of Whites"), Hamburgs enfant terrible Jacques Palminger almost certainly holds responsible for.
Freitag, 27. August 2010
Die Klavier-Kleopatra
A praise of side thoughts during concerts of serious music
It is a hard piece of work to follow a complex music composition over its entire length of 20, 40 or more minutes. This holds true especially for classical music. You will need to train your abilities in concentration, if you want to consciously experience all the musical ideas brought to you, while you listen to a piano sonata. Since I did not manage to listen to a lot of classical or other long form music recently, I had a difficult time following, when I visited the Pianosalon Christophori last friday. Especially since the sounds resonating in the rooms of the music school of Friedrichshain were capricious sonatas of Robert Schumann. Now the question is, whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer while clenching on to the musical happenings, or to let loose and even encourage your mind to drift away to other realms... Would that be OK?
Don't force your attention if it is not ready!
It is a hard piece of work to follow a complex music composition over its entire length of 20, 40 or more minutes. This holds true especially for classical music. You will need to train your abilities in concentration, if you want to consciously experience all the musical ideas brought to you, while you listen to a piano sonata. Since I did not manage to listen to a lot of classical or other long form music recently, I had a difficult time following, when I visited the Pianosalon Christophori last friday. Especially since the sounds resonating in the rooms of the music school of Friedrichshain were capricious sonatas of Robert Schumann. Now the question is, whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer while clenching on to the musical happenings, or to let loose and even encourage your mind to drift away to other realms... Would that be OK?
Short side thought:
Why music school of Friedrichshain? Neurologist Christoph Schreiber runs a Piano Repair Shop in his spare time, where he holds weekly concerts with extraordinary musisicians performing on restored historic pianos (covered already on broia and in Der Tagesspiegel) Since the repair shop had to move out for the second time within just a few months, the concerts now temporarily take place in the state run music school of Friedrichshain, Zellestrasse 12.
Alas! Of course it is OK! It is up to you, what you think about during a concert, as long as you remain quiet. And the Pianosalon Christophori concerts really invite you to drift away. Of course you will have to listen to long forms, to train your concentration. Anyway, it is fine let your thoughts drift once in a while.
Maria Myscheva, performer of the night, stages herself as something like the Kleopatra of Piano (Klavier-Kleopatra) - an aesthetic experience which is a bit distracting even if you are focussed on the music. So my first side thought that evening had been: is that one of the reasons why she won prizes? She played stunningly well, especially the sonata No.2. Still if you take a look at today's classical record releases, you might think piano or violin competitions must somehow include erotic parameters in their judgement.
The second half of the concert I was thinking over the gentleman of around 60 who was impressed by me opening his bottle of beer with another one. He never had seen that before. You may take this as a sign, that the audience was not the crowd you usually spend your evenings with. But you may also think about the fact, that at the Pianosalon Christophori you can drink beer while listening to classical music, even if you have to open the bottles yourself. Instead of boring you with my other side thoughts that night I conclude:
Dear Reader,
in summary please keep in mind, that for around 15 € you have the opportunity to join this delicate Piano Salon Concert almost every week. Even in the soulless surroundings of a state music school, you can not only witness but be part of an intimate musical experience as well as – if you are not too much taken away by the music - the small stories to the side
Donnerstag, 19. August 2010
Mittwoch, 18. August 2010
Hassle Hound am Nachmittag
Soft, ja geradezu mellow. Richtig schön und richtig schön verspult. Genau das richtige für einen trüben Nachmittag
Die Antwoord - South African Synthie-Trash-Tech
http://www.dieantwoord.com/ - watch the interview under "videos" - it's fucking zef!
Until they release their album, the player will only play the instrumentals
Now you can check youtube or enjoy their rapping in Berlin this Friday (20th) @ Magnet Club (in Munich tomorrow already @Crux)
Or - if you are located in Berlin - you go for the highest contrast, which I equally recommend.
Freitag, 13. August 2010
DeLorean Discoveries
on Tiny Mix Tapes webzine:
The past seven years have seen an explosion in both music and music journalism. Everyone now races for a daily fix of the new at a pace that would have been unimaginable even a decade ago. At its best, paradigms are shifting and power is moving into the hands of the many. At its worst, music culture is now more disposable than ever, with people fixated on the Next Big Thing like a pack of hyenas closing in on wounded prey. Tabloid times these certainly are, and not even our beloved tunes have escaped.
We here at The DeLorean have only one way to respond: bah, humbug! There's no need to rush our way through record after record on an hourly basis. It's okay to take days, months, and even years to absorb a band's work. Music doesn't need to be consumed like a fashionable commodity operating on a 12-month buying cycle. The latest is rarely the greatest, and the old do not have to make way for the new.
So, why don't you take some time out of your day, make a cup of tea, and sit back to ponder our DeLorean Discoveries: a collection of great records from the past that we happened to stumble upon in 2007. We hope you enjoy.
-Charles Ubaghs, DeLorean editor
The past seven years have seen an explosion in both music and music journalism. Everyone now races for a daily fix of the new at a pace that would have been unimaginable even a decade ago. At its best, paradigms are shifting and power is moving into the hands of the many. At its worst, music culture is now more disposable than ever, with people fixated on the Next Big Thing like a pack of hyenas closing in on wounded prey. Tabloid times these certainly are, and not even our beloved tunes have escaped.
We here at The DeLorean have only one way to respond: bah, humbug! There's no need to rush our way through record after record on an hourly basis. It's okay to take days, months, and even years to absorb a band's work. Music doesn't need to be consumed like a fashionable commodity operating on a 12-month buying cycle. The latest is rarely the greatest, and the old do not have to make way for the new.
So, why don't you take some time out of your day, make a cup of tea, and sit back to ponder our DeLorean Discoveries: a collection of great records from the past that we happened to stumble upon in 2007. We hope you enjoy.
-Charles Ubaghs, DeLorean editor
Dienstag, 10. August 2010
Lieblingsband of the day - Evils That Never Came
Fuck the background, listen to the music!
OK, some more about this latest discovery (for first contact see below)...
ETNC aka Evils That Never Came are great! Apparently they have not given away a lot more about themselves apart from two free-to-download studio albums (first one is streamed online).
Information is given on a need-to-know basis!
On blogs (and elsewhere) they can only guess who ETNC are and where they are coming from. Nothing on the website nor on discogs.com. In my messy brain some synapses drew parallels to the singer and the songwriting of "Of Montreal". Apparently my synapses have been wrong. This sparse info I found on ETNC's facebook site:
Evils That Never Came's mid-to-late 2K2s and early 2K10s years have been described by individuals in the music industry as the period in which "they brought forth a hedonistic rebelliousness and revived the punk attitude-driven yallcore scene."
OK, some more about this latest discovery (for first contact see below)...
ETNC aka Evils That Never Came are great! Apparently they have not given away a lot more about themselves apart from two free-to-download studio albums (first one is streamed online).
Information is given on a need-to-know basis!
On blogs (and elsewhere) they can only guess who ETNC are and where they are coming from. Nothing on the website nor on discogs.com. In my messy brain some synapses drew parallels to the singer and the songwriting of "Of Montreal". Apparently my synapses have been wrong. This sparse info I found on ETNC's facebook site:
Founded 2003
Evils That Never Came (sometimes abbreviated as ETNC or ETN'C) is an American indie rock band. The band formed in Koreatown, Los Angeles, California in 2002. Led by frontman and co-founder Aaron Peterson (born Aaron Peterson), the band has released one studio albums, one EP, and zero live albums while going through numerous line-up changes and controversies since its formation.Evils That Never Came's mid-to-late 2K2s and early 2K10s years have been described by individuals in the music industry as the period in which "they brought forth a hedonistic rebelliousness and revived the punk attitude-driven yallcore scene."
Montag, 9. August 2010
Evils That Never Came
Well if that isn't one direct advertisment.
Find out, whether the kiddos are right - via this free stream & download. I find the album refreshing.
Stumbled upon it on the very interesting online music magazine Tiny Mix Tapes.
Spread the joy!
Find out, whether the kiddos are right - via this free stream & download. I find the album refreshing.
Stumbled upon it on the very interesting online music magazine Tiny Mix Tapes.
Spread the joy!
stream: Electro-Mix by Team Randalism

This mix is something for you
- if you like masculine electro (or you might call it chav electro even)
- if your ears do not mind heavy beats with occasional excursions in queer rhythms and sound
- if you don't know about all that, but if you like Soulwax or Digitalism
Donnerstag, 5. August 2010
stream: Chancha - Otherworldly Cumbia

Who says good songwriting, the intimacy of a latin guitar and electronic rhythm do not go well together? -
I have been disappointed lots of times when I thought I discovered somebody who could mix electronics and songwriting. To combine the two areas without having one dominate the other is the ultimate discipline in modern popular composition. Cancha Via Circuito's music has a touch of nujazz and sample based beats music. It reminds me on the global thinking "Up Bustle & Out". Although they were travelling sound collectors from Bristol, while Chancha really comes from latin america - which you can tell from the music. And sometimes, Chancha Via Circuito even surpass the state of dance music or repetitive meditations and create original compositions. It doesn't feel difficult and that is what makes it so freshhhhhhh... Enjoy!
Montag, 2. August 2010
berlin: Fr August 6th - Puschen-Fest
Puschen celebrates it's 10th birthday @ Festsaal Kreuzberg (see here for details) this friday.
Headliner is the wonderful Tune-Yards, you missed earlier this year!!!
Headliner is the wonderful Tune-Yards, you missed earlier this year!!!
Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010
100 Platten Einsamkeit
berlin: Tonight Concert @ Fuchs und Elster
Karmanoia meldet:
heute abend im Fuchs und Elster eine Wiederholung von
Songs from
Played by the
Ja da findet mal fein selber raus, was das gibt...
heute abend im Fuchs und Elster eine Wiederholung von
Songs from
Played by the
Ja da findet mal fein selber raus, was das gibt...
free download: Dominique Young Unique Mixtape
Have fun all you Female Rap, Ghetto Tech and R'n'B lovers out there!
(great mixture of oldschool and new sounds)
(great mixture of oldschool and new sounds)
Dienstag, 27. Juli 2010
Dominique Young Unique
Now THAT's her name and she's not just a Hollaback Girl. Forget The Ting Tings or Gwen Stefani. The new standard in boasting female self esteem is
Dominique Young Unique
Dominique Young Unique
Dominique Young Unique is fostered by Yo Majesty
Young Collectives of open Jazz in Berlin - and House...
If you like Pinx at least a little, check out Formelwesen. And if you like the idea of playful patterns, but are not that keen on the freedom of open jazz - try 4-to-the-floor JazzHouse-Trio Brandt Brauer Frick for a while. They brought us this wonderful video, too.
Montag, 26. Juli 2010
berlin: Dienstag 27.7. - 21:00
Freaky Film (Boxhagener Str. 99) präsentiert:
"Eine stringente Inhaltsangabe eines Helge-Schneider-Films wiederzugeben, kommt dem Unmöglichen gleich. Was bleibt, ist allenfalls eine Beschreibung des Gesehenen: Der passionierte Jazzmusiker Teddy Schu (Helge Schneider) hat es nicht leicht mit seiner Frau Jaqueline (Susanne Bredehöft). Die Ehe kriselt, sie ist stets froh, wenn er aus dem Haus ist. Und so schickt sie ihn zu allerlei Nebenjobs, die ihm einen ausgefüllten Tag bescheren." Deutschland, 2004, 80 Minuten, keine UT (sorry)
&"Freie Improvisation und Interaktion gehören ebenso zum Vokabular des Quartetts wie komponiertes Material, das mit der Verwendung von komplexen Grooves, Soundcollagen und starken Farbwechseln Elektronik- und Post-Rock-typische Ideen in ein akustisches Jazzumfeld übersetzt."
Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010
Namedropping Balkan & Tsimbl
Some decent musicians of the Balkan:
Clarinet: Ivo Papasov
Voice: Saban Bajramovic R.I.P.
Brass: the pop-addicted Fanfara Ciocarlia and Boban Markovic
My favourite instrument, though, is the Tsimbl (Cimbalom).
Tsimbl this weekend (see below): Kalman Balogh
Tsimbl with a touch of today's composing: East Affair
And last but not least the great old master of Tsimbl:
Toni Iordache (Listen to Ca La Breaza!!!)
Kalman Balogh, Kal, and the Gypsy Kings and Queens will perform in Berlin @Wassermusik this weekend - starting on thursday already.
Clarinet: Ivo Papasov
Voice: Saban Bajramovic R.I.P.
Brass: the pop-addicted Fanfara Ciocarlia and Boban Markovic
My favourite instrument, though, is the Tsimbl (Cimbalom).
Tsimbl this weekend (see below): Kalman Balogh
Tsimbl with a touch of today's composing: East Affair
And last but not least the great old master of Tsimbl:
Toni Iordache (Listen to Ca La Breaza!!!)
Kalman Balogh, Kal, and the Gypsy Kings and Queens will perform in Berlin @Wassermusik this weekend - starting on thursday already.
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
berlin: Do 15.7. Kronos Quartett und Dracula
The 1931 Bela Lugosi Film
Original Music by Philip Glass
Performed by Philip Glass & Kronos Quartet
Das wunderbare Kronos Quartett spielt für alle, die 30 Euro und etwas für Minimal Music übrig haben in der Zitadelle Spandau.
Hottest Reggae song ever
Lee Perry - Soul Fire
The lyrics fit the weather - hopefully not your soul (if you like the style check out Linton Kwesi Johnson):
Soul Fire
Stop Have a moment to get new display right now!
I'm not jokin', seen?
Soul fire
I got soul fire
I got soul fire
And we ain't got no water
Soul a burnin'
Water comin'
Soul fire
Burnin' in my soul
Burnin' burnin' burnin' in my soul
Soul fire
And we ain't got no water
We don't have no water
Soul fire
Soul a bun
Fiya bun
Soul fire
The lyrics fit the weather - hopefully not your soul (if you like the style check out Linton Kwesi Johnson):
Soul Fire
Stop Have a moment to get new display right now!
I'm not jokin', seen?
Soul fire
I got soul fire
I got soul fire
And we ain't got no water
Soul a burnin'
Water comin'
Soul fire
Burnin' in my soul
Burnin' burnin' burnin' in my soul
Soul fire
And we ain't got no water
We don't have no water
Soul fire
Soul a bun
Fiya bun
Soul fire
Freitag, 9. Juli 2010
Liquid Music
Anlässlich des Wassermusik Festivals macht sich Holger Schulze in der Berliner Gazette Gedanken über "liquid music".
Von Händels Wassermusik hat ja nun jeder gehört. Hier noch ein Auszug aus TC Boyles Roman:
"Es ist der König, der aufgestanden ist und wie ein Trunkenbold im Wirtshaus den Namen einer Komposition brüllt. Das Publikum ist erstarrt; die mutige kleine Altsängerin stockt kurz, fährt dann aber fort und ihre helle, Stimme erklingt zusammen mit den groben beharrlichen Rufen des Königs. Seine Hoheit scheint ein früheres Stück zu fordern, ein Lieblingswerk seines Urgroßvaters, und nun ist die Königin auf den Beinen, zerrt ihn am Ärmel und Pitt läuft den Gang entlang, das Orchester verliert an Schwung während der rotgesichtige Mann mit der silbernen Perücke immer wieder schreit: "Wassermusik! Wassermusik! Wassermusik!"
Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010
Eric D Clark is one of the friends remixing Toktok (see Post below). You might know him.
But do you also know his great ambient track on his label Subcurrent. Should become the Flagship-Song of the label I would say! Subcurrents in sound, or maybe "liquid music"?
But do you also know his great ambient track on his label Subcurrent. Should become the Flagship-Song of the label I would say! Subcurrents in sound, or maybe "liquid music"?
TokTok - "Bullet in the Head" + the remixes -
Fabian Feyerabendt, Stefan Küchenmeister & Benjamin Weiss are Toktok - a Berlin minimal combo you might know from the collaboration with Soffy O. On their 2010 Album "Bullet in the Head" they treat typical techno material very playful, experimental almost and at the same time very "aufgeräumt". Toktok lack some of the minimal techno style grim - as their album cover suggests - woithout betraying technos harshness. Such freewheeling souvereigns they are, you can develop a heartfelt friendship with the guys after just listening to their music.
Some of their real friends were invited to express those feelings. Now a collection of Bullet-in-the-head-Remixes is out on Toktok Records.
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