Dienstag, 10. August 2010

Lieblingsband of the day - Evils That Never Came

Fuck the background, listen to the music!

OK, some more about this latest discovery (for first contact see below)...
ETNC aka Evils That Never Came are great! Apparently they have not given away a lot more about themselves apart from two free-to-download studio albums (first one is streamed online).
Information is given on a need-to-know basis!
On blogs (and elsewhere) they can only guess who ETNC are and where they are coming from. Nothing on the website nor on discogs.com. In my messy brain some synapses drew parallels to the singer and the songwriting of "Of Montreal". Apparently my synapses have been wrong. This sparse info I found on ETNC's facebook site:


1 Kommentar:

klav hat gesagt…

I keep on reading "Elvis That Never Came"... argh.