"Adventure" is the term, modern sound artists and there protegés prefer to "avantgarde". First of all: the WIRE magazine from London ("adventures in modern music"). "Adventure" has other connotations than "Avantgarde", which today does not sound as inviting as it used to anymore. I guess what the big WIRE, or smaller projects as Digital in Berlin or musicadventure.org or this headline mean to say is, that the approach to spheres of music which a given listener does not know should be less elitarian. Try and google "adventure music" and "avantgarde music"! Adventure wins 189,000,000 to 5,000,000 (different spellings included).
But nevertheless adventurous music can be hard to grasp for the non-connosseur, it will take all his or her courage to let himself or herself fall into the new sonic worlds. He or she won't be saved from poisonous cliché-aesthetics, nor from the stings of macho-virtuosos and hypocrite esoterics. The reward will be encounters like the following though:Zavoloka
Murcof (in Berlin this december)
Bobby Conn (whose concert I venerably missed the other day)
Bernard Parmegiani
or the new movie about an elder sound adventurer - Raymond Scott
To name, of course, less than a few. Just a very personal and spontaneous and -well - adventurous selection...